About seekUT

seekUT is a free, online tool and website that presents data on the earnings and educational graduate outcomes from University of Texas System Institutions. It also offers special reports for graduates and medical students. Students and their families can use seekUT to help them make informed decisions about their education and their financial future. seekUT offers salary, debt, and jobs data all in one place.

By using seekUT, students can access the median earnings of UT graduates working full time — by degree level in 350 areas of study —  1, 5, and 10 years after graduation, alongside median student loan debt. They can also see the debt-to-income ratio — the estimated monthly loan payment as a percentage of gross monthly income.

Additionally, seekUT includes program descriptions, average time to degree, and the percentage of graduates who have continued their education beyond the baccalaureate. It shows the industries where graduates are working by area of study, as well as the anticipated job growth in Texas by occupation through 2030.

History of seekUT

As traditional revenue streams in higher education have been declining across the country, and the cost of getting an education is increasing, UT System addressed the problem by developing an online resource for students and their families to help them make informed decisions about their academic careers. The seekUT website and complementary BI tools were launched in 2014, providing valuable data about employment earnings after graduation, as well as student loan debt, for graduates by degree major.

  • January 2014. The University of Texas is one of the first systems of higher education in the nation to launch a website that provides salary and debt statistics of actual students 1 year and 5 years after graduation. The seekUT website evolved from recommendations by the Student Debt Reduction Task Force, which was created by UT System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa to explore potential solutions to the issue of growing student debt. UT System enters into an agreement with the Texas Workforce Commission to share data related to occupational outcomes for students graduating from UT institutions.

  • October 2014. A new version of seekUT seekUT+grad — launched to provide data on salaries and debt of alumni who earn graduate and professional degrees.

  • September 2016. In the first collaboration of its kind, UT System and the United States Census Bureau signed a 10-year partnership agreement that will provide both organizations a more comprehensive picture of degree attainment and how it impacts labor market outcomes. Through the U.S. Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) program, seekUT can present valuable information about post-collegiate outcomes for UT graduates living across the country — not just in Texas — starting in 2018.

  • September 2017. UT System launches the newly-designed seekUT website.

  • March 2018.  seekUT and U.S. Census Bureau data launch.

  • March 2019. seekUT business intelligence (BI) tool redesigned and rebuilt from SAS Visual Analytics to Microsoft PowerBI.


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